Monday, March 8, 2010

Pretty Bird

I bought a birdcage at the antique fair awhile ago, and while it looks pretty with nothing in it I'm always trying to think of something to display in there. Here's a couple of ideas I found:

1. Books {I also love the hat}

2. Candles

3. Flowers

4. Light bulbs

5. Real birds that match your decor.

6. Paper birds{here: includes before/after shots}

7. Fruit. Preferably fake fruit in a vintage cage, or real fruit in a new cage. {here}

8. Teacups {here}

My other ideas include love letters, paper butterflies, paper hearts, a string of tiny bunting (which is cute because bunting is also a type of bird... I know I'm a nerd), jewelry, moss/terrarium plants, hanging photographs (preferably Polaroids), and pom poms.

Which one do you like best? Any other ideas?


  1. I like the flowers and paper birds!

  2. Birds kind of freak me out but I like the birdcage decor.

  3. I love the paper birds and the lights! Just found this blog! Keep going Lily, :)
